In Brief
This report is prepared in order to summarize the relations, give a brief political history by examining key actors and events between the
Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia including the Grand Renaissance Dam Issue. References and disclaimer are settled at the end of the report.
…In 2011, Ethiopia began building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Project (GERDP) on the Blue Nile River in a place called Guba, 60 kilometres from Sudan, which hold 74 billion cubic meters (BCM) storage capacity and about 60 BCM live storage which will produce 6000 MW electric generation. (Tesfa, 2014) The on-going construction of the controversial GERD on the Blue Nile River has been on the Ethiopian Government‟s drawing board since the 1960s, but it was officially launched in April 2011 and it is the largest engineering project ever planned in the country. The Grand Renaissance Dam with a cost of $ 4.8 billion and an installed capacity of 5250 megawatts is situated in northwest Ethiopia, about 40 km from the Sudanese border. (Chen & Swain, 2014)…
Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Grand Renaissance Dam, Egypt-Sudan-Ethiopia Relations, Political Chronology
Field and Serial Number of the Report
International Affairs – IA1004-EN
Buğra Çelikbilek
Oğuzhan ÇİÇEK
Application Date: May 17, 2021
Application Approval Date: May 17, 2021
Date of Issue: May 18, 2021
Last Update: May 19, 2021
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